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Electronic Materials Lab
来自 : www.che.ccu.edu.tw/~electmat/P 发布时间:2021-03-25
J.-L. Liu, Effects of Sn thickness on morphology and evolution of Ni3Sn4 grains formed between molten Sn and Ni substrate, Intermetallics, Vol. 61, pp. 9-15, (2015). S.-W. Chen, J.-S. Chang, C.-M. Hsu, J.-Y. Lin, and C.-H. Wang, Interfacial reactions in In/Ag2Se couples, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 162, pp. 11-14, (2015). C.-H. Wang*, C.-Y. Kuo, and N.-C. Yang, Phase equilibria of the ternary Sn-Pb-Co system at 250oC and interfacial reactions of Co with Sn-Pb alloys, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 44, pp. 4567-4575, (2015). C.-H. Wang* and K.-T. Li, Strong effects of minor Ga addition on liquid-state Sn-Ga/Co interfacial reactions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 649, pp. 1197-1204, (2015). C.-H. Wang*, K.-T. Li, and C.-Y. Lin, Minor Ga addition to effectively inhibit PdSn4 growth between Sn solder and Pd substrate, Intermetallics, Vol. 67, pp. 102-110, (2015). C.-H. Wang* and K.-T. Li, Growth kinetics and mechanism of Pd2Zn9 at the interface of Pd substrate with molten Sn-9wt.%Zn solder, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 164, pp. 223-229, (2015). C.-H. Wang*, J.-L. Liu, and H.-Y. Huang, Pseudocapacitive performance of Co(OH)2 enhanced by Ni(OH)2 formation on porous Ni/Cu electrode, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 182, pp. 47-60, (2015). C.-H. Wang*, S.-E. Huang, and P.-Y. Huang, Phase equilibria of the ternary Sn-Zn-Co system at 250oC and 500oC, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 44, pp. 4907-4919, (2015). C.-H. Wang* and K.-T. Li, Study of electromigration resistance of (Pd,Ni)Sn4 phase in lead-free solder joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 654, pp. 546-553, (2016). C.-H. Wang*, C.-C. Wen, and C.-Y. Lin, Solid-state interfacial reactions of Sn and Sn-Ag-Cu solders with an electroless Co(P) layer on a Cu substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 662, pp. 475-483, (2016) C.-H. Wang* and K.-T. Li, Metastable CoSn4 formation induced by Ga addition and effective suppression effect on the IMC growth in solid-state Sn-Ga/Co reactions, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 51, pp. 7309-7321, (2016). C.-H. Wang* and K.-T. Li, Effects of Ga addition on interfacial reactions between Sn-based solders and Ni, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 45, pp. 6200-6207, (2016). S.-W. Chen, W.-T. Chiu, W. Gierlotka, J.-S. Chang andC.-H. Wang, Liquidus Projection and Thermodynamic Modeling of a Sn-Ag-Zn System, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 46, pp. 6910-6921, (2017). C.-H. Wang*, K.-T. Li and K.-H. Chen, Effects of Zn and Ga additions to suppress PdSn4 growth at solder/Pd interface under current stressing, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 47, pp.1-8, (2018). C.-H. Wang*, M.-H. Li, C.-W. Chiu, and T. Y. Chang, Kinetic study of solid-state interfacial reactions of p-type (Bi,Sb)2Te3 thermoelectric materials with Sn and Sn-Ag-Cu solders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 767, pp.1133-1140, (2018). C.-H. Wang* and C.-Y. Lin, Minor P doping to effectively suppress IMC growth in solder joints of electroplating Co(P) metallization, accepted, (2018). C. H. Wang* and K.-Y. Li, A novel green approach to prepare porous Si from SiO as anode materials in lithium ion batteries, prepared to submit, (2018).


(Before 2008, M.S. and Ph. D in NTHU)

本文链接: http://electronicmaterialsi.immuno-online.com/view-772953.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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